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Great Deal Framework

Great Deal Framework

7-part course with strategies and insights from the smartest transaction, financial, tax, and legal experts in real estate with billions of dollars of dealmaking under their belts from houses to $100,000,000+ retail centers.

Discover and get what you want out of your property

Actionable insights
Apply your learning to interactive tools so you can start making progress along your great deal journey today.
Smarter decisions
As an informed dealmaker, you’ll make better decisions, miss fewer opportunities, and achieve better outcomes. Your ideal outcome won’t happen to you—you’ll create it.
Better outcome
Each step of the Framework is built around real-world successes so you find the smartest path to transact in today’s market on your terms. The Framework is your roadmap.

Success Milestones covered in the Great Deal Framework

Welcome to the Framework

Framework [noun]: ideas used to guide the building of something useful.

Real estate transactions have one of the greatest financial impacts on an owner’s life.

Most sellers focus only on the price a buyer will pay. Savvy sellers focus on transaction value, the combination of price and terms. They know a sale, lease, or partnership with the right terms can mean the difference between a barely acceptable outcome and an exciting future. One with the potential to earn or save additional hundreds of thousands of dollars and a simpler, better lifestyle.

The Great Deal Framework empowers you to discover and get what you want whether it’s a standard sale with a few adjustments or a creative structure that is a better fit for your goals.

What you’ll learn:

  • Transaction types

  • The range of possible outcomes

  • Favorable deal terms (that most owners miss)

  • Smart ways to compare and adjust offers

  • How to get a buyer to accept what you want

  • How to avoid common, costly errors

  • Strategies savvy owners are using today

Who’s this for?

  • Property owners, or anyone helping property owners, with any level of expertise who are at any stage, from exploratory to transaction-ready

What does this cost?

  • It’s free


  • Vision Statement

  • Library of ideas

  • Great deal case studies

  • Offer Wishlist

  • Custom offer

  • Give-Take List

Owners’ Great Deal Journey with Flexible

7 lessons

90 minutes


Lesson Description:

The informed owner step. 

You’ll be able to confidently say, “I understand where transactions go right and wrong. I have a clear plan to transact on my terms.” 

The right transaction will help you earn more, save more, simplify your life, reduce risk, and design your future. 

The problem is, today’s typical transactions provide one-size-fits-all offers from buyers who don’t know anything about owners’ goals aside from a good price. Options are limited, and offers are acceptable at best, but rarely exciting. 

We’ll show you what’s possible when transactions take advantage of the range of possibilities. 

Lesson Description:

The goal-setting step. 

You’ll be able to confidently say, “Here’s what I ultimately want out of my transaction.”

Most sellers are only asked about surface-level goals, such as pricing targets or sale date. As a result, their thinking may be limited to just these options. With Flexible you can uncover your deeper “root goals” that open up new ideas, more options, and better solutions.  

You’ll capture your goals by crafting your Vision Statement. This keeps your deal headed in the right direction.

Lesson Description:

The empowered owner step. 

You’ll be able to confidently say, “I understand all of my options, and I know what I want.”

One good idea can—and often does—change an owner’s life in profound ways. 

The start of a great deal is knowing what options exist beyond an off-the-shelf transaction. 

You’ll learn about various types of transactions and deal terms used by savvy owners so you can make informed choices. 

Lesson Description:

The confident decision step. 

You’ll be able to confidently say, “I know what the right offer and buyer looks like for me.”

Buyers today make offers based on what they want and what’s typical. We’ll show you how to communicate and get what you want by using your Offer Wishlist. 

You’ll get insights about how to identify a Great Buyer and where to find one.


Lesson Description:

The dealmaking step. 

You’ll be able to confidently say, “I’m ready to make a great deal on my terms. Great deals come from great offers that are competitively priced with terms so you can achieve your goals. Smart adjustments to terms can get you a higher price and outcomes that matter to you. You’ll learn how to guide your buyer through offer refinements. This can strike the right balance of price and terms, so their offer is great for you. We’ll share ways to think about property value and deal value so you can make informed refinements.

Lesson Description:

The ideal outcome step. 

You’ll be able to confidently say, “I made my ideal outcome my reality.” 

You’ll convert an exciting offer into results by keeping your deal on track. 

You’ll know what to expect and be equipped with decision-making tools to prepare you for potential surprises that could jeopardize your deal.

Lesson Description:

Timing is the key to a great deal. 

You’ll be able to confidently say, “I made the right moves, at the right time.” 

The timing and quality of your decisions are the difference between a great deal and no deal. If you miss your window of opportunity, the market and its effect on property values, and buyers’ minds can move promising options permanently out of reach. 

You’ll learn how smart investors think about timing and how they make decisions when information about the future is imperfect and incomplete. 

You’ll see how timing impacts transactions, and you’ll get tips to properly time each action throughout the Great Deal Framework.

Creating win-win outcomes

Flexible is an investment company. You may be wondering, don’t investors seek the lowest possible price to generate maximum profit? Isn’t that the opposite of a great deal for owners? Is this Framework “all roads lead to Flexible”?

Transactions don’t have to be zero-sum with one winner and one loser, as you’re about to discover. 

We’re on a mission to be Earth’s most owner-centric investor. We do it by equipping owners with ideas and offers that make great deals accessible and understandable. This Framework contains those ideas.

Make your next deal your best deal.
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